Crimson Dawn
Homepage | https://soundcloud.com/crimsondawnmusic |
Fans | 3 |
Genres | Brit Pop / Rock / Alternative Rock |
* * * * * ENGLISH / ANGLISKI * * * * * * * * * * *
The band "Crimson Dawn" was originally a solo project by Fernando Gonzales whose intentions was to record all tracks by himself featuring in all of the instruments. Since it was a time that it was challenging to do that in the early 2000's, he received help from other friends from the New York area to record unreleased music that was intended for record labels.
Crimson Dawn was created after the breakup of the 1st incarnation known as "The Free Agents" went on their separate ways once they started their University studies. It was then that Fernando Gonzales, Axel Barragan, Julio Garay, and Johnny Gonzalez recorded between the periods of 2002-2004. It was a short lived project due to Fernando's decision move to Europe and left the new york scene permanently.
1- Fernando Gonzales
2- Axel Barragan
3- Julio Garay
4- Johnny Gonzalez
* * * * ** * * LATVIESU * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *
Grupa "Crimson Dawn", kas sākotnēji bija solo projekts, Fernando Gonzales, kuras nodomi bija ierakstīt visas dziesmas, ko pats raksturo ar visiem instrumentiem. Jo tas bija laiks, ka tas bija grūti to darīt, ka agri 2000 's, viņš saņēma palīdzību no citiem draugiem no New York jomā, lai ierakstītu neatbrīvots mūziku, kas bija paredzēta ierakstu kompānijām.
Crimson Dawn tika izveidota pēc sabrukuma 1 inkarnāciju pazīstams kā "Free Agents", devās uz savu ceļu, kad viņi sāka savas studijas universitātē. Tas bija tad, ka Fernando Gonzales, Axel Barragan, Julio Garay, un Johnny Gonzalez ierakstīts starp 2002-2004 periodiem. Tas bija īslaicīgs projekts, pateicoties Fernando lēmumu ceļā uz Eiropu, un atstāja Ņujorkas skatuves pastāvīgi.
Crimson Dawn are:
1- Fernando Gonzales
2- Axel Barragan
3- Julio Garay
4- Johnny Gonzalez
The band "Crimson Dawn" was originally a solo project by Fernando Gonzales whose intentions was to record all tracks by himself featuring in all of the instruments. Since it was a time that it was challenging to do that in the early 2000's, he received help from other friends from the New York area to record unreleased music that was intended for record labels.
Crimson Dawn was created after the breakup of the 1st incarnation known as "The Free Agents" went on their separate ways once they started their University studies. It was then that Fernando Gonzales, Axel Barragan, Julio Garay, and Johnny Gonzalez recorded between the periods of 2002-2004. It was a short lived project due to Fernando's decision move to Europe and left the new york scene permanently.
1- Fernando Gonzales
2- Axel Barragan
3- Julio Garay
4- Johnny Gonzalez
* * * * ** * * LATVIESU * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *
Grupa "Crimson Dawn", kas sākotnēji bija solo projekts, Fernando Gonzales, kuras nodomi bija ierakstīt visas dziesmas, ko pats raksturo ar visiem instrumentiem. Jo tas bija laiks, ka tas bija grūti to darīt, ka agri 2000 's, viņš saņēma palīdzību no citiem draugiem no New York jomā, lai ierakstītu neatbrīvots mūziku, kas bija paredzēta ierakstu kompānijām.
Crimson Dawn tika izveidota pēc sabrukuma 1 inkarnāciju pazīstams kā "Free Agents", devās uz savu ceļu, kad viņi sāka savas studijas universitātē. Tas bija tad, ka Fernando Gonzales, Axel Barragan, Julio Garay, un Johnny Gonzalez ierakstīts starp 2002-2004 periodiem. Tas bija īslaicīgs projekts, pateicoties Fernando lēmumu ceļā uz Eiropu, un atstāja Ņujorkas skatuves pastāvīgi.
Crimson Dawn are:
1- Fernando Gonzales
2- Axel Barragan
3- Julio Garay
4- Johnny Gonzalez