
✪ LV ✪
NuFreak – viennozīmīgi viens no virtuozākajiem DJ'iem, kurš ir ņēmis savu dalību neskaitāmos klubos/bāros un pasākumos pa visu Latviju ar dažādu muzikālo noformējumu. Par saviem iecienītākajiem mūzikas žanriem, NuFreak atzīst lauztos ritmus - Breaks un Drum'n'Bass, taču lielākoties savos DJ setos tiek atskaņota izmeklēta un kvalitatīva House, Tech House un Techno žanra mūzika. Jau vairāk kā 10 gadus NuFreak ar savām muzikālajām izvirtībām pie mikserpults ļāvis piesaistīt daudzu cilvēku uzmanību, neatstājot nevienu vienaldzīgu.
Interesanti, ka NuFreak nekad nav apmeklējis nekādus DJ miksēšanas kursus, jo viss, ko viņš ir sasniedzis šajā jomā, ir paveikts pašmācības ceļā, ar ticību, uzņēmību un stingru raksturu. Tomēr, neskatoties uz savu mērķtiecīgo un pat pašaizliedzīgo attieksmi pret darbu, viņš allaž ir dzīvespriecīgs, smaidīgs un pozitīva humora pārpilns.
Kopš 2014. gada NuFreak uzņēmies un iesaistījies elektroniskās deju mūzikas pasākumu organizēšanā, sadarbojoties ar Latvijā ievērojamiem māksliniekiem un izklaidējot apmeklētājus ar kvalitatīvu elektronisko deju mūziku arī ārpus Rīgas.

✪ ENG ✪
NuFreak – unmistakeably one of the most brilliant and musically creative Dj’s who has given his contribution to numerous events and nightclubs around Latvia by offering various kinds of music format. As to his favourite beats, NuFreak says they are the so-called broken beats, i.e. Breaks, Drum’n’Bass, however his DJ sets mostly consist of carefully selected and qualitative House, Tech House and Techno music.
His musical performance behind the mixer has attracted and carried away crowds for more than 10 years, and nobody has been left cold, indeed.
It is interesting that NuFreak has never taken any DJ courses; instead everything that he has achieved in this field is learnt by himself. It is his determination, belief, and strong personality that has helped him to go up. However, despite this strong determination and selfless attitude towards work, he always manages to keep up the mood by being joyful and humorous.
Moreover, NuFreak has entertained nightlife lovers also outside the boarders of Riga with enjoyable and qualitative electronic dance music, as he has taken up the responsibility to organize and participated in organizing different electronic music events since 2014, and has cooperated with famous Latvian artists to bring the best for the listeners.

*2024* The fact that NuFreak has expanded his record collection to include genres like Minimal and Deep Tech in recent years shows his willingness to explore new musical territories and evolve as an artist. These genres, known for their intricate rhythms, hypnotic grooves, and subtle sonic textures, provide a fertile ground for NuFreak to showcase his skills and delight dancers with his selections.
NuFreak's enthusiasm for new musical challenges, combined with his extensive experience and diverse record collection, is undoubtedly a testament to his passion for music and dedication to his craft.




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