
freak [vocals, noise at the mic]
Sanya [alex] [drums]
Iggz [Igorz] [guitar]
Pipa [Andrey] [bass guitar]

Par grupu Grupa tika izveidota 2002. gada septembrī kad pie Sanyas [Blast attack] un Iggiza [Dogma, the Ambers, Gradiola, Sonata] pievienojās vokālists Freax [Like Milk , Deukara] un pēc ilgas meklēsanas arī basists Pipa! Ilgu laiku grupai nebija nosaukuma, un daudzos koncertos, kādu divu gadu garumā uzstājāmies bez nosaukuma tamdēļ daudzos koncertplakātos vai citos info nefigurējām! Grupas nosaukums bija spontāns izgudrojums, kuram nav nekāda sakara ar grupas nostāju par/pret reliģiju! Vienkārši bija jādodas uz svarīgu koncertu, kurā noteikti vajadzēja uzrādīt nosaukumu, pēc koncerta bija labas atsauksmes un nolēmām \"Godfellas\" paturēt.

We are a underground metal band from Latvia...
To bring the energy to those who need it...
For god made rock 'n roll...

Why this name?
As I say in our song "The Game" it really doesn't matter what your band is called or what's your name. It's just about the music...

Do you play live?
Offcourse we play live. The best power comes out when you're on a stage even better face-to-face with crowd, to get into mushing togather with them. I will smash my head for those who came to our show. For neu we only played across Latvia but this summer we're going to...I don't want to jinx it :P Every show is speacial with all those people trashing the place by the music they're's such a energetic field of chaos.

How, do you think, does the internet (or mp3) change the music industry?
But of course, someone is losing money but someone are geting a contract because of the internet, so it is hard to judge.

Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
Shure, an experience in music is always for the best.

Band History:
Godfellas strarted their way in 2002 when 4 members of differnet bands came togather to bring new sound, groove and attitude in Latvia's underground music. More or less they have achieved their purpose, but still ther's a long road ahead. .The harder you hit the higher they jump...for God made rock 'n roll.

Your influences?
Our influences are bands like Pantera, Machine Head, RATM, B.B.King, James Brown, Biohazard any many more but we don't try to take somethin from them, we make our own sound and screams.

Favorite spot?
RIGA, Latvia

Equipment used:
Ibanez guitars with BOSS ME50 processor
LTD bass guitars with BOSS ME50B processor
PEARL drums with Saban, Paiste cymbals
Shure mic's SM58, Shure popper-stopper

Anything else...?
Keep it rockin!
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Ervīns Elliņš


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