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To change your password, log in to and under your profile picture click on 'Edit profile', then on 'Change password' and fill ot the required fields.
To change your password, log in to and under your profile picture click on 'Edit profile', then on 'Change password' and fill ot the required fields.
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If you see an orange dot on the corner of a profile picture, it means that this user is online right now. If you see a green dot on the corner of a profile picture, it means that this user is online using WAP version on his mobile phone. If you see a blue dot on the corner of a profile picture, it means that this user is online using iPhone or Android applcation on his smartphone.
If you see an orange dot on the corner of a profile picture, it means that this user is online right now. If you see a green dot on the corner of a profile picture, it means that this user is online using WAP version on his mobile phone. If you see a blue dot on the corner of a profile picture, it means that this user is online using iPhone or Android applcation on his smartphone.
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To delete your profile, choose 'Edit profile' from the menu under your profile picture, and choose 'Delete profile' there.
To delete your profile, choose 'Edit profile' from the menu under your profile picture, and choose 'Delete profile' there.